It is fairly easy to extract profiles along a line from Blue Kenue. For example, while setting up my flume models I needed to check the water depth to ensure that the flow was uniform along the length of the domain. First thing I did was digitize a line where I wanted to extract the profile. Once completed, I right-click the line in the Workspace menu and select Resample. Resampling will add verticies along the line, where the values will be extracted from the surface you are profiling. For my case I selected 10cm. This creates a new line subset.
As I was interested in checking the flow depth, I generated an average depth from the water depth profile. This was done by selecting the water depth in the Workspace menu, selecting Tools/ExtractSurface/Temporal Means.
Once you have prepared your surface, select the resampled line and select Tools/Map Object and select the surface you are interested. This will generate a 3D Line Set which can be plotted in Blue Kenue or saved and opened in Excel.
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