Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) of periodic flow (outlet is fed back to the inlet) over a 2-D asymmetric dune. Starting condition (t=0s) is the dune modelled using a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model used to initialize the model. Modelled in OpenFOAM using the Spalart-Allmaras delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) model. This 13 second simulation took 12 hours to compute running in parallel on 4 CPUs.
This blog is my personal notes while conducting research for my PHD. My research interests are sediment transport and morphological evolution that occurs during dam break flows.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Detached Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Periodic Dune
Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) of periodic flow (outlet is fed back to the inlet) over a 2-D asymmetric dune. Starting condition (t=0s) is the dune modelled using a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model used to initialize the model. Modelled in OpenFOAM using the Spalart-Allmaras delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) model. This 13 second simulation took 12 hours to compute running in parallel on 4 CPUs.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Running OpenFoam in Parallel
I cannot believe that I waited so long to try running OpenFOAM in parallel. Perhaps most of my models were small enough not to need parallelization and would likely not have benefited. I am now running a much larger case and run times are going to be significant so the benefits of running in parallel will be much more significant.
Running Environment
I am running OpenFOAM using VirturalBox on a Dell T5500 workstation which has a six CPU Xenon processor (X5650) with 24 GB of RAM. Lots of power there. I have the virtual machine set up to run 4 CPUs. I am running the GeekoCFD virtual machine created by Alberto Passalacqua which is based on the OpenSUSE 12.3-64bit Linux distribution.
Setting up the Parallel Run
I first copied the decomposeParDict dictionary from the interFoam/ras/dambreak tutorial. I did not modify any of the settings for this first run. I then ran the decomposePar command and promptly received an error "Open RTE was unable to open the hostfile:". I did a quick search and found the following page and implemented the fix. I created a symbolic link:
ln -s /etc /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/etc
I re-ran decomposePar and then ran the command to begin the run:
mpirun -np 4 pisoFoam -parallel >logParallel &
The the model began running.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Generating an OpenFOAM mesh from a point cloud (x,y,z)
Since I am familar with the blockMesh utility and GIS, I decided to try another approach. Using ArcGIS I converted the point cloud first to a TIN and then a DEM. A DEM is essentially a regular matrix of elevations and which makes it very easy to work with as opposed to a randomly spaced point cloud. I then exported the DEM to an ASCII DEM. Finally I wrote a PYTHON script to read the ASCII DEM and write out the blockMeshDict file. The script can be found below. Currently the script requires to user to specify the number of rows and columns as well as the cell size however these could also be read from the ASCII DEM header. The script is nice in that it is easy to make modifications to extract subsets. For example I have a version used to extract a 2D slice of the bed.
There is one issue with the code to be aware of. The code treats each centroid of the DEM as a vertex in the blockMesh which is not quite correct. This may or may not be an issue depending on your problem, but can be corrected. If I get around to correcting this I will post the code.
Here is an image of the mesh I was able to generate for my point cloud:
''' Created on May 10, 2013 @author: Patrick Grover ''' from numpy import * # note that matrix starts at 1,1 and goes up to numrows,numcols def getvertex(row, col, numrows): index = numrows*(col-1) + row return index def getBlock(row, col, numrows,numcols, blockSettings): retval = "\thex (" retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col+1,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows)-1) + " " numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + ") " retval = retval + blockSettings return retval def getTopWall(row, col, numrows,numcols): numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + ") " return retval def getBottomWall(row, col, numrows,numcols): retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows) -1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) -1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col+1,numrows)-1 ) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows)-1 ) + ") " return retval def getInlet(row, col, numrows,numcols): numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)+ numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) -1) retval = retval + ") " return retval def getOutlet(row, col, numrows,numcols): numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) -1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row+1,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) retval = retval + ") " return retval def getLeftWall(row, col, numrows,numcols): numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows) + numvertices-1) retval = retval + ") " return retval def getRightWall(row, col, numrows,numcols): numvertices = numrows*numcols retval = "(" + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col,numrows)+ numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows) + numvertices-1) + " " retval = retval + str(getvertex(row,col+1,numrows)-1) retval = retval + ") " return retval #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BlockMesh Parameters # Manually set these. Could read these from the ASCII header. depth = 2.0 numrows = 67 numcols = 1000 cellsize = 0.03 # Meshing details - describes the mesh blockSettings = "(2 1 20) simpleGrading (1 1 10)\n"
asciiFilePath = '/home/geeko/working/GIS/dunes_3cm_67x1000.asc' # Path to the blockMeshDict
blockMeshPath = "/home/geeko/working/BlockMesh/TestMesh2/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict" # Read in ASCII file data = genfromtxt(asciiFilePath,delimiter=' ',skiprows=6,unpack=True, filling_values=-9999) print data fo= open(blockMeshPath,'w') fo.write("FoamFile\n{version\t2.0;\n\tformat\tascii;\n\tclass\tdictionary;\n\tobject\tblockMeshDict;\n}\n\n") fo.write("convertToMeters 1.0;\n\n") # Write out vertices fo.write("vertices\n") fo.write("(\n") for y in range(0,numcols): for x in range(0,numrows): #print "x= " + str(x) + "y= " + str(y) if data[y,x]==-9999: print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #fo.write("( " + str(x*cellsize) + " " + str(y*cellsize) + " " + str(data[numrows-y-1,x]) + ")\n") fo.write("( " + str(x*cellsize) + " " + str(y*cellsize) + " " + str(data[y-1,x]) + ")\n") for y in range(0,numcols): for x in range(0,numrows): fo.write("( " + str(x*cellsize) + " " + str(y*cellsize) + " " + str(depth) + ")\n") fo.write(");\n") # Write out blocks fo.write("blocks\n") fo.write("(\n") for row in range (1,numrows): for col in range(1,numcols): fo.write(getBlock(row, col, numrows,numcols, blockSettings)) fo.write(");\n") fo.close #edges fo.write("edges\n") fo.write("(\n") fo.write(");\n"); # Boundaries fo.write("boundary\n") fo.write("(\n") # Top Wall fo.write("\ttopWall\n") fo.write("\t{\n") fo.write("\ttype symmetryPlane;\n") fo.write("\tfaces\n") fo.write("\t(\n") for row in range (1,numrows): for col in range(1,numcols): fo.write("\t\t" + getTopWall(row, col, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t);\n") fo.write("\t}\n") # getBottomWall fo.write("\tbottomWall\n") fo.write("\t{\n") fo.write("\ttype wall;\n") fo.write("\tfaces\n") fo.write("\t(\n") for row in range (1,numrows): for col in range(1,numcols): fo.write("\t\t" + getBottomWall(row, col, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t);\n") fo.write("\t}\n") # Inlet fo.write("\tinlet\n") fo.write("\t{\n") fo.write("\ttype patch;\n") #fo.write("\ttype cyclic;\n") #fo.write("\tneighbourPatch outlet;\n") fo.write("\tfaces\n") fo.write("\t(\n") for row in range(1,numrows): fo.write("\t\t" + getInlet(row, 1, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t);\n") fo.write("\t}\n") # Outlet fo.write("\toutlet\n") fo.write("\t{\n") fo.write("\ttype patch;\n") #fo.write("\ttype cyclic;\n") #fo.write("\tneighbourPatch inlet;\n") fo.write("\tfaces\n") fo.write("\t(\n") for row in range(1,numrows): fo.write("\t\t" + getOutlet(row, numcols, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t);\n") fo.write("\t}\n") # Front and Back fo.write("\tfrontAndBack\n") fo.write("\t{\n") fo.write("\ttype empty;\n") fo.write("\tfaces\n") fo.write("\t(\n") fo.write("\t// Left side\n") for col in range (1,numcols): fo.write("\t\t" + getLeftWall(1, col, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t// Right side\n") for col in range (1,numcols): fo.write("\t\t" + getRightWall(numrows, col, numrows,numcols) + "\n") fo.write("\t);\n") fo.write("\t}\n") fo.write(");\n") #mergePatchPairs fo.write("mergePatchPairs\n") fo.write("(\n") fo.write(");\n"); print "Done!"
Problems with OpenFOAM mapFIelds Utility
FOAM FATAL IO ERROR : size ### is not equal to the given value of ###
This stumped me because all I did was increase the resolution of my mesh, nothing else. Two things corrected the problem. Hirst, I deleted all of the time series folders (e.g. /0, /10, /20...) from the target directory. This fixed part of the problem however I was still getting errors when running mapFields. Looking at the error I noticed that it was having trouble processing the files generated during my post-processing. For example I typically generate the Reynolds Shear Stresses (
) and run the normalized wall spacing, y+ (yPlusRAS
). I deleted these from the source time-step folder and mapFields ran correctly.